In [1]:
%pylab inline
Creating a mock catalogue with Galaxia Galaxia needs an input parameter file which I have prepared in the input folder. It will sample 10% of the stars with an apparent V magnitude brighter than 11th mag (without extinction). Have a look at the file and compare with the Galaxia instructions [].
In [2]:
import subprocess, os, shutil, ebf, sys
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import append_fields
from import fits
## Running galaxia in the command line. This will take some time (ca. 10min).
# Now we want to convert the ebf file to numpy files
path = os.path.abspath('../library/')
if path not in sys.path:
from convert_to_recarray import convert
In [3]:
# Here we create the folder where Galaxia will write the mock catalogue
nside = 16 # for extinction map and mollweide plot
################### All strings and float except for
outputFile = "GDR2mock_20.7Gmag"
modelFile = "Model/population_parameters_mrtd5.ebf"
codeDataDir = "/home/rybizki/Programme/GalaxiaData"
outputDir = '../output/mock_cat_new'
photoSys = "parsec1/GAIADR2_TMASS"
magcolorNames = "gaia_g,gaia_gbp-gaia_grp"
appMagLimits0 = -1000
appMagLimits1 = 20.7
absMagLimits0 = -1000
absMagLimits1 = 1000
colorLimits0 = -1000
colorLimits1 = 1000
geometryOption = 0 #int
longitude = 0
latitude = 90
surveyArea = 1000
fSample = 0.0001
popID = -1 #int
warpFlareOn = 1 #int
seed = 1 #int
r_max = 1000
starType = 0 #int
photoError = 0 #int
folder_create = outputDir + '/'
if os.path.exists(folder_create):
print(folder_create, "existed and was recreated")
# Creating the parameterfile
filedata = 'outputFile %s\nmodelFile %s\ncodeDataDir %s\noutputDir %s\nphotoSys %s\nmagcolorNames %s\nappMagLimits[0] %f\nappMagLimits[1] %f\nabsMagLimits[0] %f\nabsMagLimits[1] %f\ncolorLimits[0] %f\ncolorLimits[1] %f\ngeometryOption %d\nlongitude %f\nlatitude %f\nsurveyArea %f\nfSample %f\npopID %d\nwarpFlareOn %d\nseed %d\nr_max %f\nstarType %d\nphotoError %d\n' %(outputFile,modelFile,codeDataDir,outputDir,photoSys,magcolorNames,appMagLimits0,appMagLimits1,absMagLimits0,absMagLimits1,colorLimits0,colorLimits1,geometryOption,longitude,latitude,surveyArea,fSample,popID,warpFlareOn,seed,r_max,starType,photoError)
myparameterfile = outputDir + '/' + outputFile + '.log'
file = open(myparameterfile, "w")
In [4]:
# Creating mock catalogue
args = ['galaxia', '-r', myparameterfile]
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
print("Galaxia spawns catalogue")
(output, err) = p.communicate()
#p_status = p.wait()
You can add other photometric systems using
galaxia -a --psys=photometricSystem galaxy1.ebf
for photometric system you can use SDSS, UBV or Gaia which are in the Galaxia isochrones folder. You can get updated photometric bands from PARSEC isochrones compiled from [] here []. Simply copy paste them into the respective Galaxia folder.
In [5]:
# Adding other photometric bands
args = ['galaxia', '-a', '--psys=Gaia' ,'../output/' + filename]
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
print("Galaxia adds Gaia bands")
(output, err) = p.communicate()
#p_status = p.wait()
In [6]:
# Reading in the Catalogue and converting it to npy file. (If you added photometric bands then you will have to edit the convert routine)
bes = + "/" + outputFile + ".ebf",'/')
x = convert(bes)
In [7]:
# We add ra and dec
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u
x = append_fields(x,('ra','dec'),(np.zeros(len(x)),np.zeros(len(x))),usemask=False)
c = SkyCoord(b=x['glat'], l=x['glon'], frame = 'galactic', unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
x['ra'] = c.icrs.ra.deg
x['dec'] = c.icrs.dec.deg
In [8]:
## Turning absolute into apparent magnitudes
filternames = ['tmass_j','tmass_h','tmass_ks','gaia_g','gaia_gbp','gaia_grp']
for band in filternames:
x[band] += 5 * np.log10(x['rad']*1000.) - 5
In [9]:
## Optional you can use extinctions from Bovy 2016 python package mwdust (using Green2015, Marshall2006 and Schlegel)
from make_bovy_extinction import apply_bovy_extinction
x = apply_bovy_extinction(x,nside)
In [10]:
# Adding extinctions on top
## Adding extinction to apparent magnitudes
## Gaia extinction
gaia_g_ext = x['exbv_schlegel'] * 2.3# just guessed
x['gaia_g'] += gaia_g_ext
gaia_g_bp_ext = x['exbv_schlegel'] * 2.8 # from Jordi+ 2010 and Schlafly + Finkbeiner 2011 closest effective wavelength
x['gaia_gbp'] += gaia_g_bp_ext
gaia_g_rp_ext = x['exbv_schlegel'] * 1.52 # from Jordi+ 2010 and Schlafly + Finkbeiner 2011 closest effective wavelength
x['gaia_grp'] += gaia_g_rp_ext
## Other bands
filternames = ['tmass_j','tmass_h','tmass_ks']#,'gaia_g','gaia_g_bp','gaia_g_rp']
extinction_coefficients = [0.709, 0.449, 0.302] #List from Schlafly & Finkbeiner 2011
for i,band in enumerate(filternames):
x[band] += x['exbv_schlegel'] * extinction_coefficients[i]
In [11]:
# Now create a mag limited sample roughly half of the sample will be lost due to extinction
cut = (x['gaia_g']<appMagLimits1)
x = x[cut]
In [12]: + "/" + outputFile,x)
fits.writeto(outputDir + "/" + outputFile + ".fits",x)
In [13]:
### Plot the stellar density across the sky
## Using plotting routines from Tri Astraatmadja
import healpy as hp
import as cm
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import matplotlib
from defaults import getLogTickMarks
x = np.load(outputDir + "/" + outputFile + '.npy')
NSIDE = nside
oversampling = 1./fSample
total = len(x)
x['glon'] = x['glon'] * (np.pi/180.)
x['glat'] = (90.-x['glat']) * (np.pi/180.)
print('total number of stars = %.d' %(total * oversampling))
count = hp.ang2pix(NSIDE,x['glat'],x['glon'])
sqdegs = 41253
pixels = NSIDE * NSIDE * 12
pixel_per_sqdeg = pixels / float(sqdegs)
min_density = oversampling * pixel_per_sqdeg
m = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE))
density = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE))
for item in count:
density[item] += oversampling * pixel_per_sqdeg
cmap = cm.jet
minVal = np.nanmin(density[density>0])
maxVal = np.nanmax(density[density<+np.inf])
density[density<minVal] = minVal
x['glon'] = x['glon'] * (180./np.pi)
cbLabel=r'$n_{\rm stars}$ [sq.deg$^{-1}$]'
hp.mollview(density, unit=cbLabel, min=minVal, max=maxVal, nest=False, title='', norm=norm, cmap=cmap, cbar=None)
fig = plt.gcf()
ax = plt.gca()
pos1 = ax.get_position() # get the original position
pos2 = [pos1.x0, pos1.y0 + 0.06, pos1.width, pos1.height]
ax.set_position(pos2) # set a new position
im = ax.get_images()[0]
cbAx = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.12, 0.8, 0.03])
cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cbAx, orientation='horizontal', )
tickMarks = getLogTickMarks(minVal, maxVal)
minorticks = im.norm(tickMarks), minor=True)
plt.title(r"%.1fm stars with m$_\mathrm{G}$<%fmag" %(total*oversampling/1e6,appMagLimits1), fontsize = 12)
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